Muzha Green Guan Yin (150g) - Aged for over 5 years

This Green Guanyin tea leaves undergo oxidation but not roasting, with the aim of preserving the freshness of the tea leaves. The tea plantation ages the tea leaves for 5 years in-house. When tasted, it still retains a fresh floral aroma, along with subtle transformations that enhance the complexity of the tea flavor.

About the Tea Farmer:

Mr. Zhang, a tea farmer from Muzha, is the fourth-generation master tea maker in his family. When asked when he started making tea, he gestures to indicate a height of a small child and says, "I started at this height!" That must have been about forty to fifty years ago.

He is also a frequent winner in various tea competitions, and you can see award plaques from his tea garden everywhere. He casually picks up one of the second running up awards.

Although he is already considered a master tea maker of Tie Guan Yin, he continues to refine his tea-making skills and says, "Tea making is an art." Starting over a decade ago, he began pursuing the ideal of organic cultivation. He personally takes care of all aspects of his organic tea garden, including weeding, management, tea picking, tea processing, and roasting.

In 2013, they joined the Tzu Chi Organic Certification System and officially obtained organic certification in 2015. 


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