《山頂莊圓》Traditional Handmade Woodfired-Dried Longan - Medium Size (500g)

  • 100% made from Longan locally grown in the Dongshan region of Tainan. 

  • Run by the 3rd generation.

  • It is baked into dried longan by traditional hand-fired earth kiln firewood for 6 days 5 nights.

  • Can only get 1kg of Longan with crusts out of 3kg. 

  • Taste: Natural sweetness with a unique smoked flavour.


  • 2021: Their Traditional Hand-made Woodfired Longan Technique is recorded by the Agriculture Department of Taiwan government.
  • 2017: "Top 50 Golden Young Farmer" (by Global Views Monthly, a recognised megazine in Taiwan)
  • 2015: "Top 100 Young Farmer" (by Agriculture Department of Taiwan government)

How to Eat:

Just remove the crust and eat like that!

Or add as an ingredient to your dish:

Recommended dishes: Longan Red Date Tea, Longan white/ black mushroom soup, Longan chicken soup. 

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