July 18, 2022 2 min read

【Learn To Breath】


Are you the type of person who gets nervous easily? Tight shoulders, insomnia, anxiety, stress are not strangers to you?


Then we face similar situations. When I was working in HK, I couldn't sleep well. I either couldn’t sleep or had dreams all night. A night without dreams is like a fairytale to me.  My mind cannot stop during the day and even in my dreams. Relax? I don’t know what it feels like. 

That’s one of the reasons why I am in love with tea brewing. When you brew tea, you focus at the moment. When you pour water into the cup, you are staring at the tea leaves floating with the spiral. When you pour tea out, it’s fast and beautiful. When you are using your senses (and most importantly heart!) to taste the cup of tea, the world stops. 

However, to be the host of a tea ceremony is different, because we need to brew tea in front of our classmates. So ironically, the pressure comes. 

During the tutorial, my big tummy teacher noticed that I was very nervous. He suddenly guided me to a breathing exercise. “Get the teapot. Inhale. Put it down. Exhale, Bring it near to the cup. Inhale. Pour. Exhale.” By following his instructions, I breathed through all the steps and those actions became very smooth, especially when I poured the water into the cover bowl. 

Pouring tea into the cups is the same. Exhale! Pour! The action becomes stable and smooth. 

I can feel my body like a rubber which stretched so tight, then suddenly released.  

He said we could do breathing exercises during our daily life, when we fold our clothes or wash dishes. 

In “non-violent communications” classes, we would do an exercise called self-connection. Our teacher guides us breathing with exhales longer than inhales. This can let our body and mind calm down and allow us to go into a “zero” status. 

Just that I didn’t imagine. Even during our daily life, when we brew tea or do our household chores, we could also practise this. 

In HK or any other cosmopolitan cities, we are always in a rush. Our schedule is filled up and we get nervous easily. I hope you could practise breathing. You don’t need to stop what you do. Just need to incorporate the breathing exercise into what you are doing. Let inhale and exhale transform your inner world into calmness, creating space and freedom. 

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