"Many profound insights are gained precisely in leisure time.
It is then that we free ourselves to concentrate on a blooming rose,
or a sleeping infant,
at a moment when our souls are open..."
“Leisure the Basis of Culture” by by Josef Pieper
I once flipped through this book during my busy and dizzying life, feeling like the opportunities it offered were not for me.
In a modern society where work is prioritized, leisure time often becomes nothing more than compensation after work. Shifting from a full schedule of work to a full schedule of entertainment, it leaves little room for true relaxation of the body and mind.
This is how we miss out on the secret of obtaining true knowledge, the soil that breeds culture, and on the opportunity to encounter God.
I love brewing tea because it allows me to focus on the series of actions and the tea itself. My mind becomes empty and my heart is at peace, achieving that state of mind that is closest to leisure.
It turns out that I have been closest to that state of mind when brewing tea.
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