Have you ever experienced studying so hard that you finally burned out? In Chinese culture, the traditional method of learning is to "work hard". You attend classes, listen to teachers, memorize content, take exams, and then return everything to the teachers.
Many people believe that learning through games or having fun while learning is just a myth, and that learning must be difficult and require a lot of effort.
However, tea brewing is different. The more relaxed we are, the more delicious the tea we brew becomes. Guests can sense our emotions during tea brewing, whether we are nervous or relaxed, and it affects the overall atmosphere.
In fact, tea brewing and many other forms of art are like games. There are endless experiments to be done, such as adjusting water temperature, brewing time, tea leaves, and equipment, in order to find the most beautiful outcome.
Learning can be fun, seriously! We were all children once, so let's rediscover our inner child and enjoy this learning journey.
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