June 12, 2022 2 min read

Looking at the withering tea leaves in front of me, the memories of attending tea ceremony class last year in Hong Kong emerge…  

“We had such a joyful time for the 5 tea ceremony classes. The unforgettable outdoor brewing experience in Nam Chung during the autumn marked a perfect ending to our class. We learnt so much from this experience. Just like our teacher said, tea is the medium for us to nurture our character and heart. 

Living in the city, we are used to having a packed schedule, stuffed mind and heart. There’s no space. The world encourages multi-tasking, however, tea brewing is the opposite. We focus on every step we take. 

Still it is easier said than done because I notice that after I pour the water inside the cup, on one hand (literally), I want to put the cup cover back but on the other hand, I would like to put the tea pot back to the original place. I am in a rush. So you have to remind yourself: it’s no big deal. You can wait and the tea will not be cold even if there’s 1 second delay. 

Also, we don’t rush to brew tea after checking every tool is ready. Yes. We think twice before we do but when we take action, we should do it quickly and accurately without hesitation. Otherwise, the water inside the cup would spill over. 

In our life how many mistakes were made because we rushed to take action without thinking through?  Or we still look back and forth even after we make a decision. 

What our classmate said is also very meaningful. The greatest wisdom of life: do things just right. Sometimes we want too much, too greedy. We thought this would maximise our time. However, we end up having no space to savour our life. Or we become too busy and tired that our emotions are adversely affected. 

Our classmate said: One Thing A Day. For all of us, the thing today is outdoor tea class. Under the blue sky, breeze, and sun, with the reflection of the fish pond, we enter into the world of black tea and encounter tea, friends and nature. Ichi-go ichi-e (once in a lifetime). Thank God for your blessings.”



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