Last time right after the tea host started the tea ceremony, a guest came late and talked to the host. My big tummy teacher told us not to disturb the host.
Then it’s my turn. When I was brewing tea, I looked at the classmate who was entering the room after a phone call. My teacher said, “you are distracted.”
He said, tea brewing is a process of mediation. It’s like talking to yourself and you must be very concentrated. Practicing through time, we would improve a lot. Therefore, if you are the guest, please try not to disturb the host.
“A Quiet Meditation In Motion.” a tea maker wrote.
I am a person who cannot sit quietly. So it’s really a tough job for me to sit down and do mindfulness exercises. However, tea brewing could help me to quiet my mind and heart.
Once I brewed tea in HK by myself, I spilled some over because I was not yet familiar with the cover bowl. Then a sound from my heart immediately said, “You are always like that. Careless and clumsy! You can’t handle such a simple task!” Then lots of memories floated and I cried.
Then later I discovered from this issue through a non-violent communications (NVC) exercise that my inner self has a tough judge sitting there. Over the years, she judged me and drove me to do better. However, this is really tiring and I am also judging other people with a whip.
NVC exercises helped to unlock this and I became more tolerant with others. Encouragement has been replaced with criticism as the way of communication and it’s more effective.
If it’s really difficult for you to sit still…
If you also have a fierce judge inside yourself…
If you want to have a nice talk with yourself…
Try to learn tea ceremony!
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